We are a nonprofit organization committed to providing mutual support, resources, organizing, advocacy, and fun with the LGBTQ+ community in Denton, Texas. OUTreach Denton was created out of a need assessed by the members of the Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship who in 2010 recognized that Denton needed a place where LGBTQIA youth and adults could gather for mutual support, resources, organizing, advocacy, and fun. The founding of OUTreach Denton was inspired largely by the efforts of the late Bruce Jarstfer whose courage and activism continue to inspire us. Learn More >>
We host many recurring and annual events, such as the Spectrum Youth Group, Adult Social Hour, and Transgender Day of Remembrance. Join Us >>
Local, state, and national resources are available to support the LGTBQ+ community. From health to education, the list is always growing. Learn More >>
We rely on volunteers and donations to carry out our mission to support, educate, celebrate, and advocate for LGBTQ+ youth and adults. Support Us >>